Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Mike Duke - Wall-Mart's CEO

I found the article "Meet the CEO of the biggest company on Earth" (Fortune Magazine) very interesting to read. A self-made man, he evolved from a regular managerial position at retail store to the CEO of the Wall-Mart. Duke was not only able to increase the level of sales at Wall-Mart, improve logistics of the business, but address the issues of black PR (condition's of workers), inherited from the previous CEO, Lee Scott. Duke's tremendous success was possible partially due to the ability being effective and getting things done on time no matter what. Effectiveness is a key word to success in any field. What do you think are other skills that are important for a good CEO? 

1 comment:

  1. I also read about this article in Fortune. I noticed that he was a person that paid attention to fine detail, like the ladies underwear incident. I guess paid attention to fine details needs to be a skill a CEO must posses.
