Sunday, October 31, 2010

The World is Mine!

Watch your thoughts: They become your words.
Watch your words: They become your actions.
Watch your actions: They become your habits.
Watch your habits: They become your character.
Watch your character: It becomes your destiny.
 Zen Buddism saying

How I already made it…

My own life experience of immigration proves that I’m capable of reaching any goals that I establish for myself. To start with, I’m one of those examples who had 99% probability to be rejected on their application for a visa to America. I was rejected twice. My friends and my family told me to give up my dreams about America and just do the best I could in Belarus. However, because of my interest in Human and Minority rights, I was invited to the venue in New York. When I came to America almost three years ago with 168$ in my pocket, no acquaintances and no place to stay, and hardly any English, I made it clear for myself that I will make the best out of that experience. 

The thing is I didn’t know how I was going to make it. I knew that I would have to work very hard without any guarantee of success. I knew that I would have to give out golden years of my youth in exchange of work that sometimes lasted up to 16 hours. This is going to be a little strange to hear, but I didn’t really know HOW I was even going to make it …But, a few weeks after I settled down in Brooklyn my friend took me for a ride to Manhattan. While passing by the mesmorising lights of Manhattan, I was telling myself that in a year or two I would live in the middle of the city, go to school, have a great career and a family of course. 

To make the story short, after envisioning myself in the city, a few weeks later I found a truly wonderful opportunity to live in a big soho-like loft and pay very decent rent to my roommate, who I became a very good friend with. I also went to school, despite the fact that the required TOEFL-score of 105 seemed to be unachievable for many of my friends, I got 99 after 1 year in America. I do work on my career in the field of finance and already have a proposal for a 3 months summer internship next year.

How I’m going to make it…

Be a respectable professional.

Currently, I’m a junior at Baruch College, pursuing a degree in finance. New York is a great place to launch a career in the field, as well as be promoted (unlike other countries where discrimination still exists) and I’m going to do my best to be successful at my job. Although I find area of investment banking very attractive one (good compensation, lots of traveling, high pressure environment) I also consider an option to work in financial department for a global organization with a good cause, such as UN, World Bank, European Bank of Reconstruction and Development etc. 

I think that it would be a very interesting experience to either intern in a such organization or work for it. To obtain the goal I have to be highly academically achieved (GPA higher than 3.6), have related experience (internship), and just be well rounded (read newspapers, do extracurricular activities, network). Currently I’m working on each one of these points. To wrap up, no matter whether it will be just a regular financial institution or an institution with a good cause, I want to have an executive position in it, because I am able to manage successfully a lot of things in my life on my own, and in a similar manner I can manage others.

Help Children.

Another reason why I want to have an executive position is because power and money give access to certain people and resources, which may change one’s life. I had experience of working with problematic kids for the Chernobyl Children Project International and I would be glad to improve lives of children in the Eastern Europe. My main focus will be on improvement of conditions of orphanages. I will also devote certain amount to the program that will help qualified families (who have good characteristics but can’t have children for a biological or financial reason) take kids from the orphanages and be paid for that.

Family and…hmm.. French Bulldog or Doberman?

I also want to have a big family and ultimately this is a goal for me. Why? New York is a strange city: although it makes a transition for foreigners nice and smooth, it seems like a lot of people are disconnected and lonely in the city. Therefore, my wish is to have a caring husband, many kids and a dog, of course. I'm currently involved in romantic relationship with someone...we'll see how it goes)

An apple a day keeps a doctor away.

Another goal of mine is to stay healthy and be in a good shape. I excersise a few times a week, do yoga. I also eat a lot of raw food, mostly vegetables and fruit, and occasionally fish. I also want to sign up for martial arts. Anyone is interested?

Get ready to…jump!

Oh yes, and last but not the least goal in this very short list (the professor only asked for 5, right?) to get a license in skydiving. I have a special feeling for skydiving. For some people it’s one of the scariest experiences, but for me – it’s a very peaceful and relaxing activity. I’m only 23 tandems (have done it twice this September) away from my license. Next year I’m planning to do 10 - 12 jumps (you can do two, or even three jumps in one day) next year. I hope I will not get bored on the 15th time.

Finally, what I found interesting, is that when you truly wish something, things do happen. At least that works for me. As simple as it sounds, don’t be afraid to ask for too much and don’t be shy to think that you do not deserve something.


  1. I went sky diving (with a tandem) for the first time this summer. It wasn't peaceful and relaxing for me; I was scared out of my mind, but I loved the adrenaline rush the second I jumped out of the airplane! You have a lot of courage to come to a country, away from your friends and family. I'm afraid to leave my family and go to another state, nonetheless another country. I definitely commend you on that. It shows that you have a drive and passion for something and that will translate into both your career at Baruch (as I am sure it is) as well as in your career as an investment banker, or in the UN (whichever direction you decide to take). I am a firm believer in working hard and controlling your own destiny and your hard work will pay off for you in the future. Best of luck to you in your finance career.

  2. Having a big family is fun if you can afford it. Surrounded by siblings' conversation and playful interaction, children enjoy constant intellectual stimulation. I was raised by my parents with six sisters and five brother. I know that the home of a large family is a happy place.

  3. I am an immigrant too and I came here when i was 9. I was thrown into 5th grade, it felt like i was in JAIL, and i had to do everything by myself. Its great that you are a fighter, and you when you know what you are fighting, it makes it easier to win. In your case you have a solid plan and you seem to have that drive. Good luck with everything, if I need a job can i call u ? ;)

  4. I've always wanted to try sky-diving but as much as the adrenaline rush sounds absolutely amazing, i'd probably be too scared to do it but hey, now it's something for me to give some thought to since clearly, it does have a peaceful element to it. Also, though I've lived in New York my entire life, you definitely are on-point when you say that it's a little odd and disconnected because everybody really is all over the place here. Yet somewhere in the middle of that, there is some unity and it embraces those who have just come here, like yourself, and honestly I think it's really awesome how you made the best of something I would be very intimidated by and that'll surely help you prosper in the future.

  5. Like Melana said i've always though about going sky- diving but i need to drag someone with me in case i pass out! lol =) It seems like you have a clear vision of what you want your future to look like so good luck!
