Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Dc – a Doberman with a Chinchilla's side?

Dc – type, which stands for dominance and conscientiousness. Honestly, I was surprised to get this result. I never thought of myself as a dominant person. So I went back home and retook the test. But I got the same result, with even higher level of dominance.

The thing is, in my opinion dominance has a negative connotation. Usually I would describe a dominant person as an individual who is very aggressive, overconfident, authoritarian, persistent. For this reason I would never want to be associated with this definition. I would rather put myself somewhere in between Dominance and Influence type. I don’t like to dominate, but rather influence people, offer my ideas and get feedback. 

It’s true that’s I’m direct and straightforward, analytical and demanding, enjoy solving problems and accepting challenges. However, when it comes to making decisions, I prefer collecting as much information as possible, consult with as many people as I can, be open to any suggestions. I also weight pros and cons of a situation as well as always question status of things. I’m also not afraid to express my point of view even if others disagree with me. My friends call me paranoid sometimes, but they always turn to me for an advice, because I’m very cautious and logical, deliberate before I make a decision, collect and process information, recognize the needs of others. And the fact that I got conscientiousness as a second type explains my behavior. Overall, I’m surprised that I agree with the action plan for the Dominance part more than with description of it: taking authority, for instance or getting immediate results is not my strongest side yet, as well as i have average ego, but I’m definitely working on it. To put it in simple terms, I can describe myself as Doberman with a Chinchilla’s personality: seem to be strong, intelligent, powerful, but a bit humble when it comes to taking authority. For example, I recently had a job interview. I though that I failed it. But I got a call for a job two days after the interview took place. A person who interviwed me, mentioned that I carried myself very well, I projected confidence and delivered the qualities they were looking for in a candidate. When I heard it I was shocked. I thought of how good it was they didn’t see my legs “dancing” under the table during the interview, which in turn addresses my next point.
I agree that it’s possible to become another type, because our personality is partially formed from our habits and tasks that we deal with on a regular basis. The more opportunities that require high level of responsibility and action (i.e. taking authority of a project, for instance) the more it allows one to be a dominant type. A few years ago I would rather belong to a steadiness type, but after taking initiative to come to another country I developed new characteristics in my personality. I had to make so many decisions and responsibilities for the past three years, that it completely changed my personality from a life observer to the one who actively participates in it. Definitely this test allowed me better understand my personality and what I need to work on is the following: structure a more predictable environment, develop systematic approaches and time-management.


  1. Wow I am impressed, this test really brought out alot of your character. I agree with you on alot of things. I am also a Dominant type which I dont like to be, but sometimes it helps me in life. I am glad to hear that you took that risk of coming to this country to gain everything that was not possible for you in your homeland. This shows that your character and personality can change at any time. You can become an influental type rather than a dominant type just by the environment you live in. Imagine all the things we go through life.

  2. While I agree the words dominate or dominance might sound bad. In this context I don't believe it should be taken as a pure reflection of your character, but rather the course or actions you prefer in a given situation. That is one reason I absolutely agree with you that people change types depending on the dynamics or a situation. Perhaps in that interview were more conscientious than dominate because you were trying to get the job. I find in our class which is full to the brim with dominating personalities I have to act more dominate just to get word in.

  3. Hey, just wanted to say i found your point about being modest very important to influencing and communicationg with others. No one wants to see other who can do things they can't possibly do themselves one day. Most importantly if you can keep the humble side of you alive that you are surely one step in the right direction when it comes to finding what you'll be great at.
