Sunday, December 12, 2010

What management essentially is?

The best minds of my generation go to Baruch College.
They work hard and embark on their everyday trip with a vision:
Knowing not accounting, but accountability is a more important heritage,
And the first step to success is to have the right goals and a mission.

Since the very old times that we all have our growth needs,
And a task of managers to recognize what blossoms each one of us
Like a gardener cultivate and water our motivation and esteem seeds
To prevent us suffering from cognitive dissonance.

I am for example. I have a need for power, for achievement and for affiliation,
But a guy with a mustache don’t believe me, his name is Maslow
His progression principle states that lack of rest and job can lead to alienation
So in order to be on the top of his triangle you’ve got to hassle.

A good manager provides workers with a feeling of job enrichment,
He can put the right players with variety of skills in a team,
But without maintenance and inspiration of a group he’ll face impeachment
And he’ll never be a leader with a high level of esteem.

Manager’s emotional intelligence affects our performance, satisfaction
It may lead to high achievement of a task and team viability.
Managing by wondering around, in turn, prevents discrimination,
If eliminates social loafing and results in better company’s transparency.

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